Some bamboo for sale


New member
I am selling some bamboo. It is Black timor bamboo (Bambusa Lako). I have a few that are ready to go that are ~10 to ~13 inches. They can be grown outdoors in the warmer months, but need to be brought in before temps hit 30. Id like to get $10 for each one, $15 if you would like them potted and supported. Give me a ring at 934-6881
its kinda funny, i grow the bamboo in a 100 gallon tank that is cracked on the bottom, using a metal halide ballast w/ a lower spectrum bulb lol. Found a good use for old fish equipment.
Heres whats growing in it.

heres my bamboo (black timor and buddha belly)



Heres one of my african baobab trees


Hopefully the lithops will be ready to sell in a few months.
Bamboo grows somewhat slow until it hits about 2 feet in hieght, then it starts growing super fast. Currently, its been growing about 1 to 2 inches per week. Potted, I just use an 8 inch wide plastic pot (same one you see in the baobab). Its not the pot thats expensive, the amount of soil thats needed to fill it that is :D.