Some coral pics

Rogger Castells

New member
Just some pics I just took and wanted to share, I still haven't figure out how to add a water mark on my pics using iPhoto, if anyone know please let me know.

Here it goes

This is the same pic zoomed, this is basically what I do to check for parasites

More coming
A. lokani, I think thats how you spell it!

Two of my favorites frags

Last coral I couldn't capture the true colors but it is a nice light green with lilac tips

i thought I would post a few pics to make the thread a little more fun. :clown:

My new "frag". I can't wait until this grows! Anyone exept Rogger (already told him) want to guess what this is?

Purple Pillow, Turaki, etc.

Purple Pilow, etc.

Spongodes, aculeus
Wait until I make a trip south. You two are going to be sorry you posted the pictures!!!!!! Can you say CHOP CHOP LOL............
I'll share a few...

Here's a new one that I picked up a few weeks ago at Coral Reef Farm. It was labeled as an A. tenuis, but I'm not sure about that. Nice blue with a teal/green hue towards the inside

This was a grab-bag frag from Dr. Mac. Yeah, the color may not be impressive, but I can't believe the polyps on it.

Nice growing frag from my montipora colony

If you ahve OS X Tiger and have the automator, you can do a goggle search under automator picture resize and watermark. You'll get tons of free programs that can do a batch of several pictures at te same time. I got one for photoshop. I am yet to learn how to use it though LOL................
Chris, those corals look breathtaking, especially that yellow tort :D.

Jeff, that blue coral is very nice, what do think it is? how about a full tank shot.

Alberto, you are welcome to come anytime, I will check into the freeware, didn't think about that, Thanks!

Coralfarmer, did you said "deliver" :D
I'm no expert at ID'ing acros, but this one doesn't look like the A. tenuis shots I've seen. Someone else thought it may be a tort, but there's no telling.

Here's a recent tank shot I posted in another thread....
Looking at those pics, I think you might be right, Chris. As I said, I'm no expert. :D :D

BTW, I'm more than happy to share frags once this coral grows a little bit. IMO, that's the best way to protect against losing your corals in the event of a tank crash - you can always get a frag back later.
I thought I had seen that before....good luck with it (as they grow they get a great shape to them just like you said they look like a montipora)