Some images while I wait for my tank


New member
Thought I'd add some recent images of what I do, while I wait to really get going shooting images of my tank. For fun I'll shoot just about anything, but most often I'm getting images of anything related to the outdoors, or wildlife and nature.

Taken while out for a recent drive to my LFS

A Red Tail encounter while out and about

Shot while waiting for Whitetails at last light

Just one of the Bucks I shot this fall

While canoeing/camping in Oct

I also shoot for some magazines, as well as freelance

A recent shoot

An assignment for a bow hunting article in Nov

Turkey hunting in the spring

A fly-in to northern Ontario at the end of August for a magazine


In time, once my tank is settled and a little more picturesque, I hope to have lots of tank/aquaria images to add, however until then I'll try to chip in every now and then with what I normally point my lens at.

My current body is Canons 1Dmkiv

A whole assortment of lenses (different lenses for different types of shots) and various accessories including but not limited.

filters (in some cases more than one, the rainbow was shot with 2)
flashes off body.
combinations of both
The angler tying his boot (product shot) theres a flash inside the black hatchback he's got the boot on, to balance the ambient coming in from 7 o'clock and a warming CP on the lens, the boy in front of the fire (off body flash makes exposing for the fire) and the hunter against the dawn (flash located at 8 o'clock for sidelight and shadows) plus 2 filters ( A CP and Grad ND).