Some LPS/Chalice fragging demo videos I did(HD)

LPS Fragging Videos

LPS Fragging Videos

Nice job -well done Kraylen

You need a spot light from the camera side. (And maybe you already have one and I don't know if it would help) I could not see where you made the cuts. For instance how many eyes were on each frag or where the cuts were placed in relation to the "eyes". I know it is harder to see them anyway when they are out of the water.

The subtitle - So easy you can smoke a cig at the same time!

"I love this piece -Why am I doing this" That's funny! -Good Question though-?
I did it for science?? *shrug*

Someone asked for some new frag videos so I made them. I did not have a spotlight, I looked everywhere for one.. Next time!