Some new pics


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File Fish
Very nice!

Are those the only 4 tangs you have in there? How long has it been running?

The qt police are gonna come calling though about the PBT,lol:)
I thought from your other post that you had just gotten the PBT in the last few days and it's already in your display. Maybe i misunderstood it and you got the PBT longer ago.

Either way, i was just kidding with ya. I didn't qt my Blonde Naso from crf at all:o I had been looking at it for like 3 weeks there and had seen it eating and always looking good the whole time. My qt wasn't running but one day i just had to have it, bought it and put it right in the display with fingers crossed,lol.
i bet 95% of us here dont quarentine like we should. we just have the itch that we cant wait to see him swiming around happy in his new established home. quarenting is the BEST thing for you and your fish, id recommend it if you can tho.

but its cool, just make sure to feed them well and not to induce stress and you should be good.
Well even if i would have qt him he still would have got ick. My purple tang was harassing him and he didnt eat the first 2 days i took the purple out and moved it to another tank. My powder blue is clearing up and eating like a pig. I feed with garlic and selcon.