Some of my collection.


New member
Some of the zoas and palys I have collected.










Hope you enjoy, Chris
very nice ill post my collection up here some time...
In your 5th picture what are some of the names of those zoas they look like the ones i just picked they were labled deepwater jap zoas at the lfs
There are only two deep waters in that picture the light green/yellow ones are La Lakers and the ones with the orange frill green face are fruit loops.

Man, great collection. I like how your colonies are all about equal size and non of them seem to be dominating the whole tank. Thanks for sharing, I love zoas.
Can you share anything more with us about them or your tank?

Your parameters, lighting, photoperiod, how old is your tank, what kind of growth are you getting?

Do they prefer high or low light?

Are you going to attach them to a larger piece of live rock and allow them to cover it?

Can you share any knowledge with us on keeping zoas and palys?

Thanks for sharing.

Can you share anything more with us about them or your tank?

Your parameters, lighting, photoperiod, how old is your tank, what kind of growth are you getting?

Do they prefer high or low light?

Are you going to attach them to a larger piece of live rock and allow them to cover it?

Can you share any knowledge with us on keeping zoas and palys?

Thanks for sharing.


Hi Mucho, some of my parameters are.......
I set up this tank a week into January this year. I have a 103 gallon 60"x20"x20" tank. I run three 250w pendents over the tank. Two of them are 14000k Pheonix DE bulbs on the ends and the center halide is a 20000k 250wSE bulb. My light cycle is 0ne hour of attinics before the halides come on. the halides run for 7 hours. and the atinics continue for two hours after the halides go out. I run Biobeads on the system with dosing brightwells Microbacter7 a capfull once a week.

My zoas/palys are mostly frags with a few colonies that I have recently collected. I have a rock in the center of my tank that I have glued a few frags to to hopfully have them grow in and completly cover it. behind that there is another rock that has a few frags and small colonies lying on it. Behind that against the back wall there is a shelf rock piece that has some palys glued to it and another small colonie placed upon that. Other then those pieces I have frags and small colnies strewn around the sand bed and some in the rocks where I have placed them temporily. I do plan on attaching them when I get my tank organized. It is a mixed reef with LPS, SPS , Zoas/Palys and a few rodactis mushrooms. I have to mount what SPS I have and then fill in the holes with zoas and palys.

For growth I have a few palys that grow like wild fire. They are devils teeth, pogi'ng Pana and a few morphs of the two. I find the deepwaters I have to be the slowest growers and a little finicky two low water flow. They definetly seem to do better in mid to high water flow. The other Zoas in general I have not payed to much attention to growth. I have only fraged a few and haven't monitered them that much. I have noticed my other palys and figure I am getting about 3 to 4 new Polyps per colony a month. My two slowest growers for palys are nuclear greens ,purple deaths and the unidentified one in the first picture I posted.

All my new zoas/palys I collect from my LFS are dipped for ten minutes in the water from the store and about 8 drops of CoralRX . Find that the CoralRX kills all invertibrates on the pieces and melts any nudis on them. I then expect them for eggs and other missed preditors.

I hope that answered your questions ........

Awesome, enjoyed reading it and thanks for sharing.

One question though, is this your first tank?
No this is the second time setting this tank up. I recently went through a move and took this tank down Aug 2009 while I was trying to sell my apartment. I moved all my live stock to work where I had a 72 gallon and a 40gallon breeder. I've ran tanks about 4 years or so. Since refilling this tank I have really started collecting zoas/palys to the point I really need to start fragging some to regain some space. Mounting more of my SPS pieces will help in gaining some space.
