Some of the other animals in my care.
These are the best hand held that I can do until I get a macro lens.
Pterinochilus murinus
Also called the Usambara Orange.
Quite possibly one of the meanest animals you will ever see.
She will flip herself on her back trying to bite you if you even look at her funny.
Grammostola rosea
My Chilean Rose hair at lunch time in her hide.
The only one I named. She should be around another 25years or so.
Brachypelma smithi
Mexican Red Knee. You can see how greedy she is in the last one where you can see at least three crickets in her fangs. I think she had even more than that though.
These are the best hand held that I can do until I get a macro lens.
Pterinochilus murinus
Also called the Usambara Orange.
Quite possibly one of the meanest animals you will ever see.
She will flip herself on her back trying to bite you if you even look at her funny.
Grammostola rosea
My Chilean Rose hair at lunch time in her hide.
The only one I named. She should be around another 25years or so.
Brachypelma smithi
Mexican Red Knee. You can see how greedy she is in the last one where you can see at least three crickets in her fangs. I think she had even more than that though.
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