Some pics...


New member
Taken with Nikon D50 w/ +4 and +1 Quanteray Macro Filters

What do you guys think?







I like the one before the last one best.
Others suffer too much from floating particles? Maybe shutting down your circulation before you take pictures would help for this.
I guess overall image quality suffered a bit from the use of the closeup filters they do also make focusing abt slower so I souldn't use them for fast moving fish.
Are these taken with the kit lense
No they aren't. 18-200mm VR Nikkor lens. I will try that.

I thought that was the best picture too. I also think that my photos that have a deeper depth of field come out much better than my ultra-close-ups.

Unfortunately, I have been fighting micro-bubbles since I started. Its getting better, but still not gone...
I purchased some close up filters for my 18-200VR but still have to find some time to try them. I am sure you should get better image quality with it though. looking at your exif info, I would try stepping the lens a bit as it's reputed to be a bit soft at the wide side and the filter will increase this softness. your shots looked just a bit overexposed on my calibratedmonitor so you can still afford to use a smaller aperture with very minimal loss of speed.
Try shutting off your circulation that should help with the microbubles.