Some plumbing issues need some help


New member
I am done setting up the frag system and am now having problems with some of the plumbing.

I basically got lazy and decided to use flex tubing for the returns and drains. I don't know if that has something to do with it but I am having a big issue with bubbles shooting up from the drains. Not micro bubbles though, here is a few pictures of the plumbing and the bubbles.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.







Thanks again,

I do not know your setup, but it looks like a durso type drain, is that correct? If so, then I suggest capping off that open 45 you have in the first picture, then drilling a hole in the cap. I would start off really small. You may see that the pipe cannot keep up, so go bigger to the point where you are ok, but where there is no gurgling.

Basically you want your A/W ratio to be accurate. Seems like its a super gurgle that you are seeing.

Once again I could totally be off, but from the pictures that is the only thing I could think of.
BTW, when I did this on my durso in my old tank, I had to do it twice, the first time I way overestimated the size of the air hole that I needed.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11560361#post11560361 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Husky_1
BTW, when I did this on my durso in my old tank, I had to do it twice, the first time I way overestimated the size of the air hole that I needed.

Thanks for the input! I just tried that and it seems to help some but I might have drilled the hole to big.

I have the frag system plumbed to my 75g aga reef tank in the house and the drain on that is not gargling but it is bubbling out in the sump. The more flow I add, the worse it gets.

Thanks again

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11560505#post11560505 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Husky_1
Cover the hole with your finger/hand and see what happens.

Thanks for the tip but I don't see a difference. I am still stumped.

Thanks again,

Are you trying to get rid of all the bubbles into the sump? If so - it's not happening.

Your overflows take in water AND air. If they didn't, you would create a siphon effect till your water level reaches a certain point and then it would draw in tons of air (a BIG gurgle effect).

The best you can hope for is to find a balance between air and water so that you don't create a siphon and you keep the noise level to a minimum.

Put baffles in the sump to deal with the bubbles.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11562436#post11562436 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfragger101
Are you trying to get rid of all the bubbles into the sump? If so - it's not happening.

Your overflows take in water AND air. If they didn't, you would create a siphon effect till your water level reaches a certain point and then it would draw in tons of air (a BIG gurgle effect).

The best you can hope for is to find a balance between air and water so that you don't create a siphon and you keep the noise level to a minimum.

Put baffles in the sump to deal with the bubbles.

Okay so the only way I can see the bubbles going down is to add a filter pad sock around them.

Thanks again everyone!
