Some Softies For Sale


I can make a cutting of the leather. It started showing a little polyp extension today. The zoanthids are more of a burnt red. No orange in them. I am not selling my reds/bright orange zoanthids. Anyhow they are both yours if you want them. I get home around seven today(Thursday) and Friday. Just let me know if you want to stop by. I won't be able to check e-mail until later tonight but today is OK if you want to stop by. The leather would be fresh cut. But I can mount it right away for you.

I work day shift this weekend Sat- Mon could come by around seven pm any of those days if that would work for you. Wish I would of checked this before I left work but that was am and I am guessing you get home Thursday pm. :lol: :lol: You gota love these twelve hour swing shifts its what day is it today is it morning or night. Oh well if one of those 7:00 pm's work for you let me know or we can try the next set. As you can tell I just got home from night shift and am making no sense. Think I will go to bed. Thanks
I'll push Mike a bit, if he dosen't take that green toad stool frag, I will. I got to thinking last week, I should have taken you up on it...


Sounds like a plan see ya monday night.

You will just have to wait till it grows up again Jason. Does that new camera come in tomorrow?
Hey Jason, If you seriously want a frag of the toadstool come over about 7:00 on Monday. I will just make two frags and then leave her alone for at least a year. She will have to get pretty huge before I cut into her again.