something a little different

90g corner drilled
I use the kessil controller.
Start at 10 am - 5%c / 5%in
11am - 40%/30%
2pm - 50%/50%
7pm - 50%/50%
9 pm - 40%/30%
10pm - 0/00

T5s come on at 3 pm and run till 10pm
Thanks I tried 70% intensity but to strong dropped back down to 55% but I use 100% color.

its simply to white/bright for my eyes at 100% color. I contacted Kessil because it seems to me if I use their lights and their controller they should be able to tell me what my kelvin is at a given setting.
They responded back and said the lights have the capability to go from 10k -> 20k. and that for the most part its linear. So 100% = 10k, 90% = 11k and so on. So using there information my lights move from 20k to 15k and back to 20k during the cycle.

But yes, at 100% on a 24" deep tank these lights are too strong. I personally like not running devices at 100% duty cycle so it suits me just fine. My DC9000 return only runs at the 3rd setting. 39watt draw, dead quiet. hopefully that equates to it lasting awhile.