Sorry to hear about you loss. As tate1 said, there could be a host of culprits. For future reference, anytime polyp disappear completely overnight, I mean down to the rock clean, they were either snatched off the reef and hidden behind the reef, ( If on smaller rocks and not secured to the reef), or eaten/consumed by a known fish or invert.
If someone told you to dip, it was very bad advise, no offense to anyone. There is far far too much dipping going on. Dipping is not a cure all for zoa/paly sickness or them disappearing.
Do you have large emerald crabs or even a sally lightfoot? The are known and proven voracious consumers of polyps. If you look closely at them, all they do is roam and eat 24/7. You need to lay the SMACK DOWN on both of them if you have some. If you do a quick search of this thread, you will find countless stories as we have discussed this many times in the past here.
Sundial snails will eat them as well, but not as fast as the above. Nudis will kill polyps, but they won't mow them down like you're stating above.
You said you lost 6 zoanthids. Is that 6 frags, polyps, colonies ?? If you're talking large frags or colonies, it's a fish or invert with a serious case of the munchies.
BTW, could be an E. worm possibly, but I doubt it.
The clown trigger is not reef safe. It's a bully and will eat polyps and most likely the culprit.
The yellow tang is considered reef safe and I have own a few, but in my opinion, every tang, ( surgeon fish ) can/will and has the potential to eat polyps. I know I know, MUCHO, you're crazy, but keep reading. I don't know what it is, I have seen them kept in a tank full of thousands of zoas and palys for many years and they have never touched a single polyp. Then I have seen them in equally large tanks with an ample supply of algae to grave on and an ample supply of a secondary food source, and they have chowed down on polyps. There are reefers overseas, but I lost the article months ago and can't find it, who collectively believe that NO SURGEON FISH is reef safe especially with zoanthid and I agree 100 %. Tangs have to be watched and provided ample food. Please read this entire link below as it is loaded with great info and links to read.
Hope something here helps, good luck.
Mucho Reef