Something Fish Sea has a new owner..

i went sunday , they had lots of friends over for their bbq. i didnt get greeted or even asked if i needed help. they did clean and paint. they had limited stock in fishes and coral. it seemed like they are setting up another tank for corals but they just had live rock there. so hopefully they will improve their customer service.
pricing is pretty good not to expensive , they had few fishes i was interested in. i used to go when the old owner was there and got killer prices on rock. i bought a few corals that were at good prices.
The new owner's name is Andy, appears to be customer oriented. Usually ask you if there's something specific you're looking for so he can bring them in. Still on a learning curve IMO which is good. Came there a few times when he was still setting up, Walked out with a green open brainf or $15 bucks. Must have been old stock that came with the store. Don't seem to know his prices yet, medium size crocea was quoted something like $55 that's the price for a maxima. Supposed to have gotten shipment in Tuesday for corals but I didn't stop by. There was a new inventory of fish last Saturday.
I notice the price double for some stuff compare with the previous owner. I didn't any coral that I like so I didn't ask. We see what happen later on.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6918946#post6918946 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Elite
I notice the price double for some stuff compare with the previous owner. I didn't any coral that I like so I didn't ask. We see what happen later on.

That's true

I think all corals and clams are from previous owner
Kinda sad that the previous owner left. He would cut a pretty good deal if he knew you. Let's see if the new owner does the same.