Something is wrong with my rabbit fish


New member
I have no clue what is wrong with my rabbit fish but he seems to be the only one he has dark splotches bad fins and now today weird white splotches.

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Wow over 60 views and not one input this forum is really going down I will try the disease section see if I can get any input there.

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So it seems to me this forums is not getting a lot of activity or somethng. I posted in the disease section nothing. I posted on the reer2reef section and got 3 replies in less than 5 minutes what gives?

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I have no clue I got some melaflex since I cannot catch him see if that might help Other than that I'm clueless if it's bacteria, parasitic or fish attacks. I might put prozi in there but not sure what effect it has on lps and softies.

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I have no clue I got some melaflex since I cannot catch him see if that might help Other than that I'm clueless if it's bacteria, parasitic or fish attacks. I might put prozi in there but not sure what effect it has on lps and softies.

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Sorry to hear that man. I would shy away from doing a whole tank treatment of prozi... Not sure if I would want traces of it in my main display indefinitely.

Is she still eating? Do you have a fish trap and qt to treat her outside the display?

the problem is if she's already in a weakened State and then pull her out and put her in qt, it may stress her even more. Tough call
New here, but trying to help.... rabbitfish get light and dark splotches at morning and evening. Is she eating well? Anything else abnormal? I'm a big fan of foxface fish, and they look odd at different times. Still healthy though. How is she eating?