Sony Camera Question


New member
First of all pardon my ignorance when it comes to photography, but I have a Sony DSC-F717, Has anyone had expeirience w/ this Camera? I need to take ALOT of aquarium photos, species photos etc. and would like to make what I have work. The stock camera and a tripod is all I have. What lens (if necassary) would be recommended for Macro shots that are compatible w/ that camera? Also when taking shots from above, how do I get rid of the glare from the lights above the water, my camera is picking up everything (as far as glare is concened). Is everyone using a polorized lens, or is it the way in which you angle the shot? Any help would be appreciated.
Just reading your post and am wondering if you have had any better luck with your shots since this post. I have a couple different cameras but love my digital SLR. Its a Nikon D40x and it takes much better pictures than my older cameras. Do they sell add on lenses for your sony? Just curious.