Soo i guess seachems denitrate.matrix works ?


New member
I made a reactor with about 4 liters of denitrate along time ago for ny 135g discus tank but after months of it running wirh low flow and after my canister i didnt really notice the nitrates dropping or staying put.

I removed it and put it away.. Maybe i needed more of it for a tank that size.

I recently got into salt water and resealed and setup my 27g hexagon which is a reef tank. I have 3 fish though and a bunch of snails to deal with the diatoms. Although i might have to turn a few of the snails in now that the diatoma dissapeard after only a week or two.. Yea they went away fast.

Anyway prior to this my nitrates in the tank were always like 20 one time 40 before a water change. I hooked up my denitrate reactor to an eheim 350 surface skimmer i have in the tank as it puts out very little flow.. Flow measured about 30 gallons per hour after being hooked up to the reactor.

the reactor has been running for like 2 weeks ? I figired it would take maybe 2 months to show any improvment. I just tested my nitrates and they are 5ppm.. lol

Interesting... Soo i guess the denitrate does work..
denitrate and matrix both work if lack of real estate for bacterial growth is an issue. All they really do is provide a home within the rock for anaerobic bacteria to grow, which consume nitrate. It seems the consensus is that matrix or equivilant is the best way to get alot of denitrifying bacteria to grow in the smallest space. 2 weeks could be long enough to start seeing some benefit, but I would have assumed a little longer for dramatic results. I've always had good luck with Matrix myself and keep about 2L in my filter. I've always been able to maintain very low nitrate with a heavy bioload. I do dose vinegar as well to accelerate bacteria growth and nitrate consumption.
Its been 4 days since my last water chajge and i fed my fish twice today and more then usual yesturday and i checked ky nitrates tonight and they were still 5ppm.

So it must be working lol... Thats good. i was tired of changing the water every 3 days