Southwick Elementary School


New member
My Names Robert or Rob
My wife and I are Parent volunteers at Southwick Elementary School ( South East Side of Fort Wayne)

I have been donating tanks and freshwater fish to the school for the last 3 years, and trying to get the school to allow a larger tank display.
Well this year the Principal approached us about setting up a 55 gallon Freshwater and a 55 gallon Saltwater tank . The tanks can not be placed or set up before the end of August

The tanks will be originally set up by us, but the remainer will be the responsibility of the students ( 4th and 5th graders).

I have around 10+ years freshwater experience, mostly livebearers, cichlids etc but really NO saltwater experience.

I have the tanks two 55 gallon ( perfecto combo units ) these are just box units with stock equipment. Stock lighting and emperor hang on back filters.

The freshwater I am thinking small African cichlids ( yellow labs, Afra Cobue, and maybe some other small fish )
Easy to maintain but still colorful and lively .

But as far as Saltwater .. Remember this will be a 55 gallon tank that 4th and 5th graders are going to take care of.

I am thinking crushed coral substrate about 50 pounds of lace rock, ( no live rock ) 8-10 Damsels to cycle tank and get everything running smoothly. Then as the school year progresses add a star fish, maybe a couple snails... Nothing fancy and nothing expensive.

any questions or comments are greatly appreciated

I'd like to thank Brain at Broadway Aquatics and Perfecto Manufacturing for helping the school aquire these basic setups.
That is a great idea for the kids. Have you thought about getting a shark egg to hatch for the kids. They could use it for a science study and log teh changes in the egg every day. Jim at sea dwellers told me he gets them in for the schools alot and only charges around $20. That not bad. I don't know what brian charges at Broadway, but its something to think about.
I hope this post isn't taken the wrong way...I appreciate any and all comments and suggestions.. 4:00am its hard to show expression and tone through words ;)

I don't think a shark egg would be a good idea personally.

Once the shark hatches the kids would have to feed it, and take care of it. Remember these kids will be 4th and 5th graders doing ALL the work

I know sharks grow slow but it would soon outgrow its small 55 gallon tank.
Then what?
I know of one person who hatched a nurse shark and had it in his 180 gallon tank. when he had to get rid of it, no one would take it.

The Ft Wayne Zoo recommended euthanizing it. I am not sure on the zoos stance on things now with the shark tank but I am pretty sure they probally still don't take " Rescue" fish.

Unfortunately the shark got out of the tank one time to many while no one was home.
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It's nice of you to do things like this. I noticed at my sons school, Holland Elementary, they have a 55g freshwater in the hallway and a 55g saltwater tank in the office.
With all the colors of dasmels available in the hobby now you could set up a pretty good display tank with just dasmels.
I would suggest a 55 with some live rock and not crushed coral but sand substrate. The live rock I am sure you could get some donated or take a collection for....this will help cycle your tank as damsels are not a good way to accomplish this. Once the tank is cycled then you could probably easily add a couple of clowns as they are relatively cheap and kids love them, a couple of other colorful but inexpensive fish a few hermits and snails as a cleanup crew and you'd be set. You may even be able to pick up an inexpensive protein skimmer and a couple power heads and you would be good to go. Just remember that nothing fast happens in saltwater and most are a work in process that go through various stages. RO water is probably a must and a good test kit/ hydrometer along with saltmix. Water changes are a must as there isn't any other filtration other than the live rock and skimmer.
You could always add a trigger of some sort. They are very hearty, people use them to cycle with, not real expensive, and awesome personality. Just my .02. They are one of my favorites.
Great Idea

Great Idea

This is great. We set up a 55 gal. saltwater tank for my son when he was in the fourth grade, its all he wanted for christmas, He is now in the 5th grade, you would really be surprised at how well kids do with there tanks. His is beautiful.
If you know someone that has one or a store owner that is willing to give advice it really helps a lot. I know a guy that has a small saltwater store and he helps me all the time . There is a sight you might want to check out , it has a section on setting up a easy 55 gal and tells you everything you need to do it with step by step, they even show one that I believe a 11 year old set up. Lots if info. here! I use it alot. Once you have it set and cycled I would be willing to donate some soft corals if interested, that are really easy to take care of and don't need high dollar lights. You can purchase 50/50 bulbs to start with that will work in the basic light set up.
Hope everything works out!