"Fragging" them will sometimes slow down their growth.
You'll take the risk of hurting them also.
Best thing to do is to place other rocks around those and let them take over the rocks.
I wouldn't touch them at all.
You could also place them over a bigger rock and they will grow from there.
Make sure you use epoxy so the rock doesn't keep moving around.
It's a matter of taste...
I guess you should do what you really want.
It's actually a wholesale made rock lol you can tell it was pieced together , a lot of suppliers sell these combo rocks and it's common practice for them.
As for fragging slowing down growth it will at first( were talking days) because of its natural defense to predators, but then growth becomes better for obvious reasons, zoanthids can only grow polyps where room is available , polyps don't spilt or come out from no where so it's about real estate or available room.........it's all about growth and the availability to spread.
Where there's light there's growth it's pretty simple , larger pieces hit a growth stop , meaning the baby polyps have to reach out for light and often the bigger polyps suck up what's available , growth is dependent on babies no?
Why does a 1 polyp frag split 3-4 babies almost in its first week or two? Because one polyp doesn't shade out light , it goes like this until about 10 polyps then growth slows down , as the larger polyps focus on getting bigger the babies struggle to find room to grow out.
Some have better success then other dependant on type of zoanthid and how they grow but for the most part it's a guarantee.
I'm all about growth , what's the fastest way to make my "x" polyp into "xxx" , I've learned growth is completely dependent on babies , no babies and no growth , so it comes down to what's the fastest way to get babies? Well that's easy, provide them with light and flow, the basics of what they need.
I'm not on a computer so I'll try to explain like this
Picture this letter " o " as a polyp looking top down , growth is 360degrees around the polyp , result is usually 3-4 babies within a week
Now after a month or two it becomes this
Growth still happens as the adults aren't quite crowded yet but it will not be as fast
As they grow out more less room becomes available in the center so the outer edge is where the potential and best chance for reproduction is happening.
The babies at this time struggle when compared to the smaller colonies , the first to pop out is where light hits the most so its angle dependent , luck of the draw well say.
So knowing how it grows and reproduces tells us what we can do to get the best growth, we provide them with room and access to light and flow.
It's actually very interesting to test out and makes complete sense in a world dedicated to growing andbtakingbup useable space.
Of course there's a lot of variables to consider but this is basically the rule.