Splitting a frogspawn


New member
Can I use a razor blade to split a frogspawn in half? Meaning go from top to bottom like slicing an apple. I actually damaged the frag I bought recently. The skeleton was really long so I tried to cut it shorter. But in the process, the skeleton split in half length wise all the way. So only the polyps are holding this together. Could I cut the frogspawn to make 2 small frags from the original one?

Frogspawn branch when they grow and split. Is is two heads or only one head? Or are the heads so close that you damaged it? From what you said, it sounds like it was splitting but was still connected and had not formed two branches yet. If you broke the carbonate base and the tissue is what is holding it together, I think the chances of your frogspawn surviving is slim. I have used bonecutters to split a "Y" shaped frag down the middle before, and I have shattered the coral just like you described. Usually they die. I only use a bandsaw to frag Euphyllia now. I just use bonecutters to cut dead heads.
It's just one branch that split lengthwise, like splitting a log for firewood. I guess I'll cut it apart and see how it does. Live and learn.
A razor isn't a great idea, those aren't a good plan for cutting rock... If you can get cuticle cutters at a local drugstore those work great and are basically off-brand coral shears.
Yes you can -- or you can just glue the whole thing back together, use super glue on the stem not living tissue. If you pull it apart into 2 pieces, they are more likely to die.
Hopefully it has not passed at this point...let us know. I was VERY assertively warned when purchasing my octospawn to not pinch, squeeze, pliers, or otherwise try to frag the stem...the interconnected matrix of the skeleton is fragile and can easily kill the polyps if crushed. Hacksaw and bandsaw are the way to go for these corals. They are cleaner cutting and so not crush fragile structure.
Duncans, frogspawn and torches are similar in this way. My LFS will frag corals for me on his frag saw. If i have a rare piece he might ask for a small frag, otherwise i might trade for someyhing else or just buy a cheap frag to sya thanks for the help.
I frag frogspawn all the time. Simply cut the skeleton avoiding the live tissue and you shouldn't have a problem.

I use a dreamer tool and small cutting disc. Very, very easy.
how much growth are you getting on those calastreas? Ive had mine...quite a while shall we say... split from one massive head to two...and has done nothing since. Moved to mixed reef, SPS blowing up, acans blow up when I feed hard (occasionally). Euphyllias fill out nicely, but aren't growing multiplying. Nutrients too low maybe?

Nitrates essentially zero (essentially because I dont test anymore...too many <0.5 on API test kit readings...3 refugiums and explosive macroalgae growth there), phosphates limited/eliminated by phosban, LPS on sand bed ~20" below LEDs so enough but certiainly not too much light...thoughts?

Frogspawn has had a tiny baby head for about a month now. Not growing, not dying...mostly the situation with all the Euphyllias
Well, it's still alive though not sure how happy it is. Splitting attempt failed badly! The skeleton basically fell apart. I glued it together the best I could but one tiny piece fell off so I cut the polyp to free that tiny piece. The skeleton is very brittle and rather fragile I found out. At that point I just glued them on the rock.

Here you can see the heavy damage I caused in the center of my froggie.


I'm amazed it's still alive after over a month!