Spring Swap: State College, April 18, 2009


Premium Member
Save the date: After receiving lots of positive feedback last spring, NCPARS will be holding its spring swap at Penn State in State College, PA, April 18. Lots of details remain to be worked out, so stay tuned, but you can expect the usual - lots of trading, food, and fun!
Bump to the top. Lets start talking about the spring swap! I am looking forward to it!

I will post the map shortly so we can start reserving tables and getting everyone involved.
I wish it was tomorrow.. lol!! By the way, the link on the fragswapper site that Says "CLCIK HERE for Penn State University MAP" Not that we care Click is spelled wrong but the link doesnt even work!


Please Email me at rickyfins@hotmail.com for table reservations and post on here so we have double records.




How much is the entrance fee? I really need to just become one of your members. How much for table space, for a small frag tank? Thanks, sorry if I overlooked some of these questions if they are on the fragswapper site. Can't wait.
We are working on the link issue currently, but it should be up in a day or so.

The entrance fees, membership fees, and table fees can be found on the society website at www.ncpars.org


Tables are free for members as well as entrance to the swap! We will post all those details here as well for anyone else who is wondering. I just can't do it right now I am heading out the door, but I am sure that someone will chime in shortly. I hope you can understand.
Hey Matt,here is the deal for non members.single entry fee is $15
and the table fee is $10

single membership is $24 per year and that gets you in the spring and fall swap and gets you a free table also.

BTW that acro you gave me is awesome,wicked PE and it looks like it will be quite interesting when it settles in.Thanks
No problem Dan, I am glad you like it. I talked to Don(the guy I got it from) on Sat. and he said he lost his colony of it, so I'll be hooking him back up with a piece sometime soon. Thanks for the info about the swap, I think I will just become a member, so I am not always asking you guys about the same stuff. Thanks for my frags, everything is awesome too, the superman frags were huge(actually great size on every piece I got from you)you always have super nice frags, everything looks good. See you at the next one.
ALL maps work on fragswapper now!

Thanks for catching that. We should all thank Sanjay for his work on fixing the maps!

Thanks Sanjay
We are happy to announce that our speaker for the spring swap will be Eric Bornemann. Eric is an aquarist, researcher, and prolific author who writes frequently on marine subjects for various periodicals, and has published a number of well known books including "Aquarium Corals" and "A Practical Guide to Corals for the Reef Aquarium."

Topic TBA.
I was told via email to post here to reserve a table at the April Frag swap. Please PM me with details.

Which table were you interested in? Just post here so we all know.

I will follow up with confirmation through this thread to mark it as yours.
Here's what I have for the flyer so far. I will finish it when the powers that be send me the final info.


Thanks to Sanjay for use of the background pic.
We are pleased to announce that we will have a second speaker at the swap (actually, not quite a speaker, but a well known aquarist running a great demo). Scott Fellman will be coming to the swap and will be hosting
"Aquascaping For The Aesthetically Challenged: The Live Show"
He will be working with actual live rock, a drill, PVC dowels, and other equipment to demonstrate the creation of a few different types of rockwork configurations. _ Scott has talked about aquascaping at many local and national aquarist meetings, and we will get the benefit of his experience "hands on." The demo will be in the main swapping area (Eric Borneman's talk will be separate in a more auditorium-like setting).

We will be posting a revised schedule; we expect that we may extend the event by one hour to fit in the new activities.

I'm looking forward to great fun with this!