SPS acros help

I'm going to pick up a copper remover and a potassium additive. I'm really surprised by the copper, but now I know this could a cause of some of my problems.

While at macna I spoke with and attended John Coppolino and that's who recommended where to send the water to.

I'd post a link, but don't want any infractions.

Look this up:

Aquarium water testing

I have all different acros having RTN issues that are now gone. This didn't wipe me out completely, but hit me hard. My strawberry shortcake is starting, but I might have saved it.

Water changes are bi-weekly 40-50 gallons on a 110.
Well my issue is still continuing.

Other then an RTN issue I have a few acros turning brown.

My fish, chalices, montiporas, zoas, palys, lps are doing fine.

I'm very close to ending it with acros, but want to see if there is something else I could try. Do I have to do a Bayer dosage in the tank? I don't see any flatworms or red bugs, but have seen these tiny white starfish. I tried a harlequin for them, but I think my wrasse ate him up.

I'm getting desperate and I'm willing to try anything that could help my situation.
I have now a phosban and carbon reactor. And they have come down. It's not at zero, but maybe .05 rather then .25.
You sure you don't have flatworms? They are very hard to see.

I've taken corals out that had RTN crushed them and put under microscope and didn't see anything. I am considering doing the Bayer thing anyways just in case they are in there and I can't see anything.
Well my issue is still continuing.

I'm very close to ending it with acros, but want to see if there is something else I could try. Do I have to do a Bayer dosage in the tank?

1) pics would help. There is a difference between RTN and a white fungus that is sometimes mistaken for RTN (although RTN usually happens within a week). getting more eyes on it would be better for you.

2) I'd avoid ever doing anything universally to the display that involves chemicals you didn't mix yourself. But your acros could benefit from an Iodine dip and a bath in natural sunlight one clear afternoon. Let them see that life is worth livn' :) suggest separate containers with tank water

btw what type of sps - sorry if I missed it.

Tho I'm with out any experience - have heard RTN is difficult to combat and the last resort which has yielded success was to frag the colony.