I am writing to get help on my tank concerning a recent bleaching trend of SPS corals. I have had very good success until recently. The bleaching pattern is on the base of 12" tall colonies and spreading everyday further up.
The tank is 140 gallon 28" tall and 2'X4'wide. It contains a variety of corals. Some colonies upto 6 years old. SPS are place on the top less than 16" from surface.
Lighting is AQ 2X250W HQI AQ 10K bulbs and 1X150W HQI AQ 20K bulb. I use ER CS 8" Diameter skimmer about 24" tall / Self made reactor / Tunze Osmolator / Two Tunze Stream pumps. 40 cc of near saturated lime water is added shortly after lights go out to reduce phosphate and increase Ca & Alk.
As of this week water quality is as follows:
Temperature 75c - TECO Chiller (will double check temp manually in AM) felt in normal range
Salinity 1.025 by refractomer and hydrometer
Alkalinity - 200-210 ppm CaCO3 (LaMotte)
Calcium - About 450-500 pm Ca (LaMotte)
Magnesium - 1300 ppm (Salifert)
pH not measured
Nutrient Levels PO4 / NO3 are unknown. Diatom, algae growth is slow. I will check with Hach Method for phosphate on Monday as I have access to a DR/2000. It has always been <0.1ppm in the past so I have not changed husbandry and have abandoned the repetitive test. Chateomorpha growing indicating some nitrate is present being place in acrylic separation acclimation chamber.
Other factors are I traded in over grown SPS at local store for an assortment of 10-15 frags in last month. I also started using carbon during the upgrade - TLF brand.
The bleaching is always from the base up except for what was told was an encrusting brown monti I have had 5-6 years. I have broken off a bleach fragment on this coral but did not see anysigns of AEFW from last batch of frags. It is not conclusive but I did use a magnifying glass carefully. I did find 2 copepods though. I have not added new fish / frags in prior 8-12 months.
Plan of action sto reverse bleaching- :bounce1:
grow chateo faster on 20 gallon sump with 16 hr/day 130 watt C bulbs to remove unbound phosphate
consider using Salifert Flastworm Exit for AEFW Individual freshwater dipping seeming silly since eggs will be everywhere. I looked with a flash light at night and can not find anything resembling the many prior posts showing AEFW.
Any other suggestions besides punting the ball????
The tank is 140 gallon 28" tall and 2'X4'wide. It contains a variety of corals. Some colonies upto 6 years old. SPS are place on the top less than 16" from surface.
Lighting is AQ 2X250W HQI AQ 10K bulbs and 1X150W HQI AQ 20K bulb. I use ER CS 8" Diameter skimmer about 24" tall / Self made reactor / Tunze Osmolator / Two Tunze Stream pumps. 40 cc of near saturated lime water is added shortly after lights go out to reduce phosphate and increase Ca & Alk.
As of this week water quality is as follows:
Temperature 75c - TECO Chiller (will double check temp manually in AM) felt in normal range
Salinity 1.025 by refractomer and hydrometer
Alkalinity - 200-210 ppm CaCO3 (LaMotte)
Calcium - About 450-500 pm Ca (LaMotte)
Magnesium - 1300 ppm (Salifert)
pH not measured
Nutrient Levels PO4 / NO3 are unknown. Diatom, algae growth is slow. I will check with Hach Method for phosphate on Monday as I have access to a DR/2000. It has always been <0.1ppm in the past so I have not changed husbandry and have abandoned the repetitive test. Chateomorpha growing indicating some nitrate is present being place in acrylic separation acclimation chamber.
Other factors are I traded in over grown SPS at local store for an assortment of 10-15 frags in last month. I also started using carbon during the upgrade - TLF brand.
The bleaching is always from the base up except for what was told was an encrusting brown monti I have had 5-6 years. I have broken off a bleach fragment on this coral but did not see anysigns of AEFW from last batch of frags. It is not conclusive but I did use a magnifying glass carefully. I did find 2 copepods though. I have not added new fish / frags in prior 8-12 months.
Plan of action sto reverse bleaching- :bounce1:
grow chateo faster on 20 gallon sump with 16 hr/day 130 watt C bulbs to remove unbound phosphate
consider using Salifert Flastworm Exit for AEFW Individual freshwater dipping seeming silly since eggs will be everywhere. I looked with a flash light at night and can not find anything resembling the many prior posts showing AEFW.
Any other suggestions besides punting the ball????