SPS bleaching after transfered to New tank


New member
Hi All,

I moved my SPS and LPS colonies to new tank
Old tank was 2,5 years old 75g new tank 200 g

Old tank had 2 XR30 g4 pro SPS AB + %100 intencity 110cm tank horizontal placement

KH 7.5
Ca 420
Mg 1320
K 400
Po4 0.03
No3 3-5ppm

I did 35 days cycle and only nitrate is 20-25 range but I did need to move on

KH 7.5
Ca 450
Mg 1440
Po4 0.04
No3 25

New tank has 4 XR30 g4 pro rotated mounted
So there is more light maybe now but setting I did not change

I try to show some photos
This stag horn body lost its darker skin color polyp extension less then before


This Mille same loosing body color but poly extension is same




For example above table Aussie acro was completely brown in old tank next they I put it to new tank it got this color but no polyp at all

I worry to loose my corals

What you guys suggest maybe reduce light and increase later ? Because I want to use all potential power available . I heard I need to feed bleached SPS also as no zoathella to feed them

Or it is just a new tank sendrome ? And need to wait and be happy with what lived

Some corals seems positive impacted






Thank you for suggestions

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It looks like you have a lot of new rocks but not enough old live rocks I suggest you to add microbacter 7 to enhance the biological filtration.

Gonna have to agree, did you do a complete transfers from one to another including sand? Is the new rock cycled rock?

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It looks like you have a lot of new rocks but not enough old live rocks I suggest you to add microbacter 7 to enhance the biological filtration.


Thank you for reply

I did complete new setup due to aiptasia in old tank. I just transferred 5 liters siporax and adding bacteria

I think I did light shock my corals I now reduced it to 50% from 100% intensity

I wish I had chance to move mature rock etc but can't do it

I try to feed corals as zooanthella left them
Let's see what will happen

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It looks like you have a lot of new rocks but not enough old live rocks I suggest you to add microbacter 7 to enhance the biological filtration.


Thank you for reply

As I am adding bacteria ;)

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Lighting was probably the final straw for your SPS corals. Although your numbers in the new tank dont look bad, as delicate as SPS corals typically are, moving them from a established tank they are accustom to, to one that is newly "popped" and not allowed to mature a while is never a good plan of action in my experiences.

For example I just picked up 3 SPS coral frags a couple of days ago. They are in the QT tank and and although they came from a tank with much more intense LED lighting than my QT tank has...I had the Kessil A80 Tuna Blue cranked down about 1/2 way at about 14K color temp. (I used water from the main display water change to fill the QT 4 weeks earlier in prep for new coral purchases) Even so I could see clearly that they are kinda stressed after several hours and took my light down to the lowest intensity setting and moved the color to 20K. With in a couple of hours they were looking much better than they first did. I am planning to bump the intensity up a bit every couple of days and work towards about a 14K color temp over time.

Just some thoughts to consider...
Yeah not good plan but it was the best in those conditions

Things getting better after light reduced to %50 btw

Thank you :)

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