Sps coloration


Hi guys.
So here's the thing. This is my second sps tank in 12 years.
Here's my first

Here's the current (it's nearly a year old right now)

Bottom line is... IVE NEVER been happy w my coloration. I can get growth yes... But my colors eventually turn to that pale green or pale baby blue....I have 0 no3 and 0 ph4 according to my Red Sea pro.
My current lighting is VERY similar to the last setup. 8 lamp ATI Sunpower.
Am I just hitting w too much light do you think?
Nothing seems out of line.... Just not sure what I'm missing.
Thanks guys.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
I've been battling the same issue with the same equipment. What's made the best impact was to get my nutrients up, my husbandry was too good.

I stopped blowing my rocks off, stopped doing weekly water changes, started feeding more.

I've tried to do this "dirtier" approach a few times and always ended up with algea. Took me forever to realize that the consumption rate of N03 and P04 were so different. P04 is used so slowly compared to N03. So I ran GFO to keep that down while I fed heavy, added amino's and started very very slowly dosing KN03. It's made a huge difference.

The coraline will talk to you, they show the most improvement/degradation. Keep an eye out for algae and watch your coraline as you feed heavy.