SPS Coral Neither Growing nor Dieing


New member
Is it possible for an sps coral, let's say some sort of acro, to neither grow or die? I've had this wild acro of some sort that's been in my tank for about 5 months and it's not showing any signs of growth, but it's also not showing signs of death either. Just stays nice green and nothing else happens.
It appears to be possible as it is happening to you :). Some corals lay down an encrusting base slowly before they throw up any branches. Five months is a long time with no growth...is it really no growth or just very little growth??
I can somewhat see the tips showing white coloration, which looks like growth, but they've been showing that for months now and it's hard to tell if they've grown longer or not. It's also a weird looking coral that I've not seen so far in the hobby. I'll snap a pic and post it.
i've had have arcos not do anything for months. they've have PE, but barely no encrusting. then out of no where they start to grow.
Yeah I think the best way to see growth is taking pictures and documenting them. I've got several that hardly grow and others that look bigger every time I look at them.

This is just speculation but try kicking up the flow and see if that helps. The increase in flow should cause the coral to lay down more calcium in order to beef up its skeleton.
guys, here's the pic of that coral. I don't even know what coral it is

One of the first SPS frags I ever put in my tank is still the same size heightwise. It has encrusted at the base, but not even a 1/4 inch in height. It's been in there for over 8 months now, so I know what you mean (it's only about 3/4 of an inch in height at the moment.) I am wondering if it may be some sort of deepwater one and I have a ton of light blasting it.
beats me. This guy isn't doing anything, not even encrusting. I'm keeping a very close eye on the tips to see if it's even showing tiniest sign of growth.