SPS dip


New member
Could someone please post or direct me to a link (search engine wasnt available) the most current recommended SPS dip for incomming coral frags. I'm guessing some sorta lugals (sp) or interceptor. Thanks
Thanks for the info. So do you acclimate the corals to your systems water with a normal bucket drip. Then dip them right before putting into your tank?
Here's exactly what I did.

1. Take em out of the bag.
2. Examine for acro crabs, aefw eggs. If you have acro crabs get them out before you dip, or it will kill them.
3. Put them in a bucket with enough water to cover them (duh, lol).
4. Knock off a chunk of interceptor crush it up and put it in.
5. Get a bubble w/o airstone to keep a little circulation in the bucket, let dip for 5 hours and 45 minutes.
6. The last 15 minutes put in enough TMPCC in for the amount of water used and let soak.
7. Examine again for aefw worms, redbugs etc.
8. Swish in clean aquarium water out of the tank.
9. Replace the acro crabs.
10. Place in the tank!

That's my steps and it worked fine.

I just recently found red bugs so i will be treating every incoming coral for now on. I was thinking about using 1/8 of a interceptor tablet in a 5g aquarium for 24 hours on the new acros. Will this be a good enough quarantine to keep the bugs out?
Ezcompany unless I know they came from a friend that has either had and treated for them, or hasn't ever had them I will treat for them. We all spend so much money on all this stuff that it is better to be safe than sorry.

It's worth the extra time, but I have heard/read that a 15 minute dip in tmpcc will kill the redbugs and also aefw etc. The interceptor is a no chance dip for the rbs though.
