SPS Growth Senior Research Project


The Clown Tang Keeper!
Sps keepers! I am in need of your growth rates for a senior-thesis research study (at NCF).

In my time studying marine bio, I consistently run into marine scientists telling me that hard corals grow 1 inch a year and that's that. However, being a reefer, I have seen all kinds of growth rates and know that 1 inch a year might be accurate for a brain coral but is in no way accurate for a healthy slimer or stag.

If you would be so kind as to monitor your sps (one or many) and report to me how much they grow in the course of 60 days I would be most appreciative. Or if you have recorded your sps growth in the past that would be fine too. Please post them here, message them to me, or I can send you my email address and you may send them that way.

All I need from you is to measure (cm/inches) a branch or coral at the beginning, and then again 30 and/or 60 days later and tell me those two (or three) numbers as well as the common or scientific name of the coral you are measuring.

If you would also be willing to send your tanks parameters (whatever you normally measure) at one of those points, it would benefit the study greatly. Photographs are always appreciated! I love seeing corals and with your permission a photo or two is likely to make it into the final thesis paper.

If you would like to receive a copy of the study when it finishes, please let me know and i'll be happy to send you one.

NOTE: If your corals are only growing 1 inch per year, or are not growing at all, I need that data too! Don't worry if you don't have the fastest growth, it won't impact the result of the study (me graduating :reading:)

Thank you all!!
Sorry I don't have the data you require but a picture tells a well you know the saying.

Sorry I don't have the data you require but a picture tells a well you know the saying.

Thank you!

If you could do me the favour of giving me the height of your tank, I think I can work out the growth rate from the photos.