SPS ID and question


New member
I picked up a few browned out SPS at the LFS last week. I've never kept SPS before and thought buying browned out specimens would be best since I don't yet know what I am really doing.

This particular frag seems to have an especially strong sting and I'd like to know if that is true and get an ID....


TIA. Dan

edit: the dead areas were already dead when I got it...
Looks like Stylophora to me. Browned corals if they are kept in proper conditions will return to color. In this case it could be a pink stunner.

When you can pick up browned but otherwise healthy corals at a cheap price, you are eventually going to get some stunning corals. I have.
Thanks guys, I appreciate it. Are they particularly powerful or do all SPS have about the same sting?

I must be particularly sensitive to coral stings. When my LPS stung me (I grabbed him when he fell off a ledge during cleaning) it peeled the skin off 2 of my fingers. This guy made my fingers hyper-sensitive to temperature changes for 3 days after I picked him up to reposition him in the tank. I think I'll be wearing rubber gloves every time my hands go in the tank from now on.
i dont think stylo's sting.. i havnt really ever heard of sps stinging. i have stylos in my tank, and have touched them repeatedly.. no problems whatsoever.
hmmmm..... that leaves the habaneros that I was cutting but they don't usually effect my fingers at all.

I wonder if corals, fish, etc are sensitiver to capsaicin. It doesn't seem like it from recent experience but, thought I'd ask.
Sure they are sensitive to capsaicin. It irritates the skin of fish, causing them to secrete more mucus. In fact, that is the primary active ingredient in Kent's RxP--not that it does much good other than irritating your fish.
thanks. I've picked up some latex gloves and will not be cutting habaneros without them in the furture.