SPS Keepers how many NSW ?

Well I did another water change last night. I went out approximately 14 miles this time. With the help of a good friend from ANCHOR, we brought back about 90 gals. Thanks for the help adnup,I can't wait to go again. Everything is looking great. Very good PE,and the fish are happy. I have to get a better system,for pumping the water from the boat ,to my sump room. I don't think I'm saving money ,with the price of gas,in fact I think it is costing me more. I'll see how it goes. Ted
What about using Catalina NSW? Its collected from the Pacific up in Seattle I believe, and its filtered through a rigorous process. The PH is a little high usually, about 1.027, but I add a little RO/DI water with each change to keep it around 1.025/1.026. I have mixes Tropic marin pro at times too, when I don't feel like hauling the water or the stoe is out of it, but everything seems to flourish with the Catalina.
I think it would cost me more to buy water from the west coast ,than for me to run out in the Gulf of Mexico. I get out of the wife's hair for a while ,when I collect water.
I just have a small tank so the 4 or 5 gallons a week to buy the Catalina water is no big deal. You uber reefers with larger tanks are forced to either collect it free or mix your own, but I was just interested in what people think of the quality of catalina as opposed to collecting from the ocean. I live on Long Island so it is possible for me to get sea water, it doesn't look very clear when collected in a bucket, there is a lot of floating debris from the turbulence. I have read where guys place the collected water in a covered bucket to keep light out and let suspended matter settle out. All things considered, I'd rather haul from the pet store and pay for my small amount, then go to the beach and lug it a longer distance and have to prepare it.
I live in Socal and would never even think of taking the NSW water and putting it in my tank....The beaches out here are super polluted and nasty....I wont even swim at the beach anymore...

I did use that catalina stuff though and it was ok...I tested and found some phosphates so I went to TM regular and have had awesome luck with it...Its good stuff