Sps loosing color


So before I get yelled out I got some sps free from wwc and got a couple others really cheap. My tank is only 4 months old now and was 2 months old when sps was put in. All but 1 is still alive and my pink/red setosa grows like a weed. Most of the others have encrusted their frags and started on the rocks.

The one I'm worried about is what wwc calls a deep blue ocean milli I believe. It was blue when I got it with not a lot of polyps. Now it's covered in polyps but has lost almost all color except tip and a little bit other places. It has been under kessil 360wes but only at about 165 PAR.

Other parameters:
Sg 1.026
Water temp 77-78
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 2-3
Po4 0
Calcium 425
MG 1400
DKH 8.7
Tons of flow.

Running GFO and carbon.

My other LPS have good color.

Just changed to AP700s from 360we 2 days ago. Matched PAR for now.


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