SPS nano


New member
just shareing some pics - thanks for looking

some top downs (show colors a lot better then that FTS)





i call this my 22xs figi tank. its a home built tank that measures 22x22x12 display/false wall with 22x8x12 sump area. i run a 175W 14K iwasaki bulb with 2 32W PC actinics. i have a aqua c remora skimmer, 4 620 seios, 2MJ's on a natural wave. drip kalkwasser via kent IV doser and thats about all - very simple system.
this link will show more if your interested:
and there is a link to the build in the first post - kinda neat set-up if you care to follow it - pretty original i believe :)
Thanks! I will follow that link once I get home. I've been looking for information on people's SPS nanos, and your timeing fits in perfectally with my search.

Very nice Shotze, how about some info on yours too? Skimmer, lights, sump, fish load, etc,...

JhonandDawn, I know this tank! I was thinking about it a few days ago, wondering what ever happened with it. I didn't realize until I saw the build thread with all the Seios that it was the tank I was thinking of.

Good to see everything held together for you, and worked so well!
This tank has been set-up for a couple of years now. It was originally a 10 gallon with LPS, but after moving and suffering significant losses, I took the opportunity to design a SPS doninated nano.

The tank itself is 18 gallon tall (20 x 18 x 10) and I circulate it to a 5 gallon sump underneath using an external overflow. In the sump is where I have a Tunze Comline 3100 skimmer. I also have a kalk reactor that I made, but because to some chemistry issues of late I have not been using it. Despite this, to keep sucha small system balanced in terms of salinist, I made a top-off system using a number of float switches.

Well for lighting I have a 250W HQI metal halide with a 14K Pheonix bulb. Its housed in a canopy I made myself and it is run with a Coralvue electric ballast.

As for current inhabitants, all I have is a blood shrimp (aside from various Astrea snail and hermit crabs). I used to have a pair of percs, but a little experiment I had killed them. Anyways, I had also been waiting till after summer to get any fish in case I go away for a vacation.

Thanks for looking!
yea - nice tank shotzee i take it since that tank is so narrow you've glued that rock to the back wall?
your right whiskey, i forgot i had posted that in here too - its just now coming into its own. all the corals are fully encrusted and doing really well and its really settled down. chemistry stays very stable. love the flow - bottom stays very clean for the most part and i never have to scrape diatoms off the glass anymore
i ran an external fuge for a little while but removed it cause the stand pipe was putting too many bubbles in the tank - so i'm in the process of rethinking a new design for that but otherwise its just change water and watch it grow time :)
Thanks for all the complimants.

Actually all the rockwork is free. There is one large piece that rises up the left side of the tank that sets up all the other rockwork to support on. This way it makes it relatively easy to remove a rock and glue a frag right to it.