SPS pest ID help


Active member
Went over to a buddy of mine to check out his tank, found one of his coral that wasn't too hot... Had some polyps extensions but notice little white marks... they didn't look like aefw, too small.. bust out my camera and caught a few shots of these...

Anybody know what these are? acro eating nudis? there was a good amount of them.. as far as I saw they were only found on this acro..

We did a bayer dip, and got rid of them.. along with 4 chiton (I'm assuming... last pic)



Looks like mesenterial filaments and I wouldn't worry about them on 1 acropora. Happens when you feed or when a coral is stressed from what some say but I only see it when I feed.
if everyone else looks ok sometimes this happens with new growth, should get some new tips in those spots if you have ruled out pests