sps placement (need advice)


New member
i have a 29 gallon tank and i am ready to stock it with sps coral.. my question is i have a 250xm and 2 96watt pc's antics. i alsohave two 1100 seio's for the flow.. can i place the sps coral near the bottom of the tank. will i have enough light to keep them healthy .. thanks for your advice..
How deep is your tank? My guess is that you should be fine with some sps on the bottom. You will want to put the sps that need the most light near the top and place others requiring lowering light near the bottom. My tank is 18" deep and I run 2 14K 250w lights and no actinic and I have placed a number of sps near the bottom, my oceans blue stylophora is doing great near the bottom, very blue. You'll have to try a few and see how they do.
You should be fine placing corals anywhere with that lighting, as long as the flow is good at all levels (heights throughout tank).
