sps questions


New member
Hello sps keepers I just started a BB 125 pentagon corner tank in october last year. I have some experience with soft corals but never tried sps and I have some questions about sps keeping.

First, my tank perimeters are temp 76', nitrate zero, nitrite zero,
ph 8.1, alkalinity 9, calcium a bit high at 500.

My question is what is red bug and what do they look like?

Also I have some worm transfer from my sand bed from my previous tank and now they're crawling around my present
corals. Are they any danger to my corals? And if so how do
I get rid of them?

Presently I have 4 pieces of acros in my tank and I get partial polip extension, but only at night. What is the cause of this?

Thank you for any advice to resolve these concerns.
everything seems good we try to aim for 420 for calcium but mine stays around 550 without any additives and only water changes this is what happens with oceanic salt temp could be a little higher try aiming for 78 red bugs are tiny bugs make sure you know who your stuff comes from and you wont have any problems worms in my oppinion suck even bristles but they shouldnt hurt your corals polyp extension at night is normal for certain sps ID or pics could help what do you have for flow the more in an sps tank a pentagon 125 i bet that is one wierd looking tank lets see some pics my friend :)
I have a iwaki 30 for my returm from a 35 g sump/fuge .My coral comes from my local store and they are very reliable.I have for circulation 1 seio 820 and 3 top water circulation pumps made in japan .
i see it's purdy tidy. Im not expert at keeping SPS still relatively new compared to most in this forum. Make sure you dip your corals to kill RB, coral eating nudi, FW. I know a lot of folks are using Lugol, FWE and Interceptor to dip their corals before placing them in their main tank. Trust me no matter who you get your stuffs from QT or dip is the way to go. Lastly what are your light setting?
hamilton 190w vho super blue on 7am off 8pm
hamilton 250w 14k mh on 8am off 6pm
hamilton 250w x 2 hqi 14k on9am off at 7pm

Thanks guys can i treat my tank and what can i use.
Sorry to change subjects, but where did you get that foam sound baffle material from. I have found some stuff on line but it is seriously expensive.