New member
I have a question about a coral. I've been in the hobby for a few years but never had much success with sps. I think mainly because of high nitrates. I have decided to try and take my tank to the next level. I am running biopellets and have brought my nitrates down to .25 on salifert kit. I also run gfo and phosphates are undetectable on hanna meter. My lights are led, my calcium is 390-400 and alk is 7.2. Ibought this coral at my lfs. it was under leds but not getting a whole lot of light. i kept it on my sand bed then moved it up. its getting 250 par where its at currently in my tank.the tips were a dark purple when i got it. they are now starting to lighten up and turn white. it gets flow directly from my return line. I dose my alk in the sump and think it may be burning the coral. also unsure of all these stringers? is this a feeding reaction?