Sps tank with only Tonga?


New member
Would there be any disadvantages to an sps tank with only Tonga rock work?
I know it's very dense and doesn't have a lot of surface area for bacteria.
You mean the branch, shelf or the regular rock? In any case, it is exponentially better than using dry/dead rock - assuming that you are ordering real tonga from the pacific.

I would not sweat this too much, especially if you are going to have sand - the sandbed can do all of the heavy bacterial lifting for you.
Yes I’ll be using the branch rock. I do plan to have a sand bed. I can put some other rock in the sump if needed along with the marine pure
Worked fine for me me in my 20H and 29 tanks. In fact they where the cleanest tanks I have ran. Never had algae o r nutrient issues.
Better circulation through the rock work, but less dense as you already mentioned. Pros and cons.

Either way, pick the rock that best appeals to you and the design you want. Adding surface area for additional bacteria is easy with marine pure blocks and other similar items.