Squamosa directly on sand???


Premium Member
I was under the assumption that squamosa's could be placed directly on the sandbed. But, I just read a book this weekend where it states that they would be better off if placed on a rock that was buried in the substrate. Anyone else do this?
i have 2 squamosas and have tried to place both of them on rocks but they just move over to the sand. they are doing great on the sand so i am just going to leave them there.
most people that put something under them do it so they don't glue themselves to the bottom of the tank. just makes it a bit easier and safer if you want to move them around. also, you don't want them to glue to a small piece of rubble that they might jerk up inside themselves and get stuck up in there.
When I first got my Squamosa I put it up on the rockwork because I have a bulldozer fighting conch that would plow it over, but every morning I found it on the sandbed and seemed happier there. So I left it there and it's doing great in a 5" sandbed about 24" under a 250 10k MH. The conch only hits it about once a week. If it were attached to a small rock under the sand it probably would get injured, but there is nothing but sand so it just uprights itself in a few hours.

Actually you can have the best of both worlds, if you use half of an old
clam shell - put substrate in clam clam - place new clam (squamosa) on
old shell - than place shell anywhere on the substrate or on the rocks,
clam thinks its on substrate. HTH Dennis