SRO3000 Skimmer


New member
Hi Jeremy,

Quick question for you....I was in the market for a new skimmer because I thought my current was undersized. I'm currently running an OctoExtreme200 modified with a BB3000 bump. I almost purchased a SRO3000SSS skimmer today but realized that the body dimensions are almost the same as what I have. Is the SRO3000SSS that much of an upgrade over the Extreme200 w/ BB3000 pump considering the dimensions and the fact the pumps are the same.

My tank is a 210 w/ 40 gallon sump and 30 gallon frag system. I'd consider it heavily stocked with around 20 fish (3 tangs)...maybe that's not heavy....

I'd love to hear your feedback.
In my personal opinion it would be a waste of money for you to go out and purchase the SRO 3000 if you already have the Extreme 200 with the BB3000 pump on it. You could have both of those skimmers sitting side by side on the same system and you wouldn't notice a bit of difference in the performance in my opinion. I'd suggest sticking with what you have and saving your money for some hot new corals! :)