St. Thomas


New member
can anyone tell me what a st. thomas likes as far as light, flow, and food..ive looked on the forum and cant find anything..


They are Sanctithomae, from the Discosoma genus. I've own at least 10 different colors with 8 different colors presently. They will adapt to most any type of lighting if acclimated properly. In the past when I first purchased them, I used no specialized feeding at all and they did exceptionally well. So much so that I had to frag the football size rock in half and remove half of them. When they're happy, they can expand at maturity at least 4 to 5 inches across. Low to medium current is best. Very high current will cause them to retract severely or peel right off of the rock at the base.

Mucho Reef
Thanks MUCHO...very informative information..i have moved it out of the flow..we will see how it goes now..

the only place i have seen these guys at was my local LFS..i would like to get a few more..

Coral Morphologic, a sponsor here can get them and sometimes has WYSIWYG ones, Sealife inc also gets them.

Here's one from morphologic I ordered, I have a blue one also from them

And my sealife one
wow sweet..mine looks like the first one..i will get pics up today sometime..lots of fish stuff to do today..

thanks for the pics
