Stacked Frag Tank Build (picture heavy)

What size are your drains? I have a similar flood table, and had a hard time getting the bulkheads in for 1" (and even 3/4") sizes.

How did you get yours to seat properly?
You really have to make sure you can get them on the flat area for the drain. Then razor and sand them really well. We also used a little silicone and tightened them as tight as possible without messing up the o-ring/plastic washer thingy. It took a few water tests to get it perfect.
In addition, these will be the last flood and drain tables we use. I believe they are still leaching small amounts, they provide too little buffer water and the lights have to be raised because it's too easy to penetrate. Also the ridges collect debris and create dead spots. I don't like the extra work. All of my tanks will be glass from now on.
Tank have sadly been neglected the past few days due to dog injury. One of the dogs took a tumble down the stairs and broke her femur in half...

aww..he /she looks sooo sad
Where are you guys out of? I'm planning a tiered frag rack too but a bit different (Using a Gorilla rack). Been researching ideas.

If I were to do it over again I'd stay away from stacked tanks. It's very hard to get up there and do maintenance and is often forgotten about. By stacking you are also limiting the height that you can hang your light. With such a shallow tank I had to take it down to 3 54watt t5s in my 8 bulb fixture. You also have to remember that the heat from the light will heat the tank from above. It's a great space saver but a real pain in the butt.

We're located in western ny :)
I haven't been on RC as much as I would like. I had to take taptalk off my phone because i was blowing through data ;) I've seen a lot of the other threads die off, I don't want that to happen

so the radion g2's have been up for a few weeks. All corals adjusted nicely. 2 red chalices have bleached but i believe the worm I found in them was the culprit. I also bought a bottle of revive for the heck of it and now its one of my favorite dips (acans LOVE it). I currently use peroxide, iodine, and coral rx for different things. Next I'd like to try RPS all out. I also ordered my first box of Kent salt and will test it out next week. Anyways here's the fish tank room, I like to keep it a mess lol

Looking good! Glad to see some updates. How is that gryphon saw, any complaints? I have the inland and it really isn't well designed or reliable.
Just outside Rochester NY. The gryphon is amazing so far. Already on my 2nd blade due to wear. Not one blade has snapped which is a common theme with the inland. I was going to sell my extra Inland parts but instead they went to the garbage where they belong. Lol
Also, I cleaned up after myself yesterday and made the room presentable. I'll take pictures when I get home from work. Preparing for a frag swap on Sat. Hoping to score some amazing trades and unload some frags. We're taking the top tank down when room is cleared. I cringe when my fiancé brings home more coral, and that's not right. It's way too hard for me to maintain the top tank. I feel like spider woman when I have to get in there for deep cleaning. One of these days I'm gonna fall in or out, neither will be pleasant.
Akitareefer, What size bulkheads are you using on the hydro tray for your return lines? I have one of the 2x4 ft 7" depth trays and have been undecided on what use.
So i tested and ran a water change with Kent reef salt. Mixed well, wrote down the parameters and lost them... here's off the top of my head Alk 175ppm hanna, phophates 0.0 hanna, nitrate .01 salifert, and mag 1260 salifert. Everything was puffed out and happy today.

here's some growth stuff, not amazing but growing



Exceptional setup. Please post more pics of your Ricordea. When you frag them it would be great to see a video of the process. How do you propagate them, will you give a breakdown of how to do it together with what is required. Alt you could PM me wrt propagation of rics.