Staghorn Acropora Care?


New member
Hey Guys,
I am very new to this hobby in spite of my persistent research for several months now. I've been given a staghorn acropora coral piece because it's in poor shape and thankfully I have a very strong light system for it. But beside the lights, I would like to know what else I can do for it to really make it comfortable to flourish. From the readings I have found I know they need good water flow, must be kept at a safe distance from other corals, and filter feed on phytoplankton. I also learned that they are endangered, which makes me all the more determined to save this coral! Thanks.
Can I clarify...? You have been given a piece of Staghorn Coral - Acropora cervicornis - that is endemic to the Caribbean/tropical western Atlantic?

Is this a troll post?

is it rust- brown in color with whitish tipped coralites? post a pic !

you are fairly lucky if it really is A. cervicornis- both A. palmata and A. cervicornis have been my holy grail.

My guess is either your trolling, or you just have a piece of indo- pacific staghorn -formosa, prostrata, micropathalma etc etc
Please bear with me. I'm a fresh beginner. I'm not sure what you mean by trolling. I have a feeling I posted this is the wrong section now. I was first told that this was called a Honapora, but a very experienced stony coral aquarist insisted that it was a staghorn. I started reading about them online and it does look like mine. Unfortunately, any cameras I have right now are poor quality but I will post a pic anyway. Please note that this pic doesn't do any justice to it's vibrant neon green colors.

I've started doing 5% water changes weekly now since I've had it. It has been showing improvement already. Can you tell me what it is? Thanks guys, and I apologize for any confusion.
I think you are okay. The initial red flag was a few key words - staghorn coral and endangered species. Even from the blurry pic, that doesn't look like the Caribbean staghorn coral, A. cervicornis, which is (and its counterpart A. palmata) listed as a threatened species - and, would be illegal to have in your possession.

My comment about "trolling" was that it looked as if someone just registered and posted that they have an illegal species in their home care - you can see the confusion - and trying to get a rise out of someone, just so he/she can have a laugh. So I apologize, and as I said, it looks like you are okay.

By the way, "staghorn" refers to a growth formation of a coral, as well as the common name of a species, so I agree it can be a little confusing.

Someone correct me if I am wrong, but that looks like Hydnophora, yes?

Cheers and good luck with your new coral.

Thanks Mike. *Phew!* You had me freaking out a bit just now. Thanks for clarifying. I really appreciate any help at all.
Not sure on the type of coral, but wanted to say nice shot of your Mithrax!

you are fairly lucky if it really is A. cervicornis- both A. palmata and A. cervicornis have been my holy grail.

I really hope you don't mean that you are actively trying to get a piece of either one and hope that your statement means more of "if they weren't endagered species, I would love to have a frag or two in my tank.":thumbsup:
I don't think this guy has a cervicornis. I would doubt that he does. I think he's just asking an innocent question guys, let's not jump all over him.

To the original poster, I'd look in "new to the hobby" to make sure you have proper water parameters for this harder-to-keep coral.
That's why I posted what I did in post number 5. I was checking to see if this was a troll post or someone not sure what they have and apologized when I saw the pic, that this is a legit question and this person does not have cervicornis.

GhostCon was talking to someone else who claimed to be in search of Caribbean acroporids.

That's a hydnopora... strong light is okay, but not necessary. For hydno to be doing poorly in a tank, there must be something pretty wrong with that tank. They grow like weeds, and put out some pretty nasty sweeper tentacles at night, so keep it away from anything you like. That being said, I personally like hydno, the main reason I don't keep it is I generally have smaller tanks, and that means either I keep much fewer corals, or keep corals that get along in close proximity to each other. I have kept it in a 29 gallon with pc lighting, in a 56 column with t-5, in a 65 tall with 2x250w metal halide. It's considered a beginner stony coral. Good luck!!!
Thanks for the update. I currently have a deep blue HO Solar Max 448 (54x4) and 8 moonlights, so it has plenty of light, my tank is 55 gal with a salinity of 1.024 steady. Calcium is very high and I have good flow on it's spot. I was told it was initially getting in bad shape because it didn't have enough light. I'm keeping him totally away from any other coral. Feel free to let me know if there is anything else I should I know. And for the record, I'm a female. =] Thanks again!