Stalking 180


New member
I'm trying to figure out what fish I want in my 180 FOWLR.
I have:
2 clowns
3 blue/green chromis

I know I want:
1 yellow tang

What other fish should I get?
I want pretty fish, that are easy to take care of, and live long in the aquarium.

What about inverts?
Wish I didn't have my yellow tang. He bothered(killed) every new fish that I put into the system until we added a 8" Hippo tang... now he hides. I would not add a yellow tang if you plan on adding more delicate fish in the future.
Are you doing a reef or fowlr?

I'm partial to angelfish of the Genicanthus family like a Watanabei or a Masked Japanese Swallowtail (Genicanthus Semifasciatus).