stand for a 8' x 3' x 2' tank


New member
i am in the process of building my dream tank8x3x2, but i am at a loss of what to do with the stand. im thinking of making it 36" tall. could some of you please post pics of your stands, being either metal or wood, and any info on construction? i am siding towards a wooden stand as it will be easier to build in place, rather then carrying a huge stand downstairs into my basement. any help would be great, thanks.
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I built my stand from basic concrete blocks and put steel I beams on them. I topped it with plywood, then tiled the whole thing. You can see it in my gallery.
i have that same tank (for sale actually) and built my stand from pressure treated 4x4's there are pics of the tank and stand in the for sale forum. the stand was 54" tall.
Its not pretty (yet) but here is my 'slap together' stand, its basically 2x4 and 2x6 with some 3/4 OSB. I like overkill when it comes to stands.
I could probably park my truck on this.

One suggestion is to think about weight transfer. Consider water is +/- 8lbs per gallon +rock +sand. This stand is setting on a floor that was constructed in 1834 (my house is very old). I wanted to be sure the load was spanning the whole 6ft length and not just on the corners. I also braced the floor in the crawl space.
Wood is easier to work with IME/O, but steel is stronger and better suited in some applications.

Im only 6ft long x 2ft wide but I needed the room under the tank to fit my skimmer and reactor. I really like how my tank is at eye level.
Taller stands will 'wobble' easier, so make sure you use screws to keep things tight.