Stand Holding Two 10 gallon Tanks side by side


New member
If I build a stand that is 21"x21" so that I can sit two ten gallon tanks side by side. What is the easiest way to make sure I get a nice level center support for the sides facing the inside of the stand to rest on?

Here is a quick paint sketch of what I mean. What would I use for the green board? I just need a quick and dirty stand to hold a few QT tanks.

There shouldn't be too much weight there, as long as you use something sturdy like 3/4" plywood for the top surface you should be fine.
No center support needed.. Just use 3/4" ply for the sides/bottom/top and some pine 1x4's as your right side drawing shows..

It will be plenty strong..

Or just buy a cabinet from the local home improvement store and slap a top on that..
That will have doors and everything and be plenty strong..