Star Polyp Help


New member
So i have some star polyps that have been doing great so far. They are about the only thing in my tank that have been thriving and as of 2 days ago they have completly recessed inside and all i have is the purple covering. Is this normal for them to do once and awhile or is something going on that I may not know about. I have another colony of stars that are out and doing well but i don't know what is going on with these in particular. Any suggestoins would help.
I have some green star polyp's and they come and go as they please. Most days they are out but some days it's just the bare mat. Mine usually come back out in a day or two after they have gone in. HTH
I'm sure not all GSPs are the same nor are our tanks but mine are out and full every day all day. They close up about an hour after the lights go out. The only time they retract is when a hermit crab goes crawling over them but they're usually back out within in 45 to an hour. You sure something isn't crawling over them? Nothing that moves is touching them?
Gsp tends to be moody at times. I have had mine for well over a yr. and they do tend to retract at times but certainly not very often. I wouldn't worry about it.
Mine usually hide when something happens to the tank like high salinity, a powerhead falling and blasting them, or the lights getting shut off in the daytime.

While they are in hiding, I would blast them with a small powerhead or turkey baster to remove any/all debris or algae that may be clogging them up thats what I do when mine go in, they always come back full force in a day or two.

What kind of lighting, and are they in high flow?
They are under 350watts of PC lighting and the flow is moderate. I had pretty high salinity though and didn't realize it because my hydromomter was giving off a false reading. I took some water to work with me yesterday and used the one we have there for a reading of 1.030 which i think is what the problem was. Since i have brought the salinity back down to within reason. Hopefully this will hellp out today.