Star polyps


New England
Will star polyps sting you if you touch them? & What's the best way to keep them in check...or is there?
Star polyps will not sting you if you touch them they will just close up. As far as controlling them.... Keep them on a seperate rock that is surounded by sand. Beware that I have had GSP grow on the substrate if there was not enough current to prevent it. The other option is to trim or peel it off of the rock frequently to maintan the size you like. Good luck!

If you let them grow on the glass you can easily peel them off and glue them to a new rock. You can also surround them with small rocks you are willing to remove, and cut the mat with a razor blade after they have grown onto the new rocks and give them to someone else.

I don't know any way to stop them from growing, but I have never tried. I have sold off about 10X as much as I have now, and I have about 5X what I started with. Don't let them spread to something you don't want them on.