STARS meeting.

The STARS club down in El Paso is having a big meeting DEC 1 at 2pm. They have invited our club to attend if we like. They had originally posted in on our page but I asked that they remove it as it is a violation of Reefcentral policy. I personally have moved away from the club for my own reasons but may even hit up this meeting myself as Mr. Saltwater Tank is going to be there and I still have several friends down there. I'm an avid follower of Mr Saltwater and have posted links from his videos before. He is full of knowledge. There will also be a raffle for prizes.
You can get the exact address and information on their club page.

I recommend anyone to attend that has the time. It will be a good time and you will get to meet other semi local aquarist.

I usually sleep during the day because I work the graveyard shift but unless something pressing comes up I plan on going even if I'm tired. I'd like to meet Mr Saltwater Tank!
I know my Roomie and I play Warhammer, so if he doesn't have some game, or if him and his friends don't have paintball stuff,I'll probably go. (I don't like driving El Paso alone, I don't know my way around ): )
Well I spoke to the wife and you are welcome to ride with us if you like. We will be leaving around noon and are planning on getting dinner after the meeting. We have plenty of room in the car if you like. Just let me know.

And anyone else that needs a ride just PM me.

Ah I convinced him to go. We'll probably be grabbing dinner afterwards, too. (Almost impossible not to go to El paso and not eat.)
(: Had a lot of fun, very informative. The building was a little overly-crowded and hot, though. (even for December in the south.)
shea not sure how many people were there, plus the sun hits that building and even though its december mid 70s is crazy. So room full of people and water equals a little damp. lol. glad you could make it. wish i had taken pics didnt have time either.