New member
I've decided to go with a 5ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft with v2 skimmer 800, fluval fx5 external filter and 5ft arcadia luminaire. I want to keep it as a FOWLR maybe the odd softie. But here is my proposed stocklist see any problems? :
Glider Sleeper Goby
Diadem Dottyback
Yellow Watchman Goby
Common Clownfish
B & W Commonn Clownfish
Chromis x2
Bicolour Dwarf Angel
Humbug Damsel
Cleaner Wrasse
Powder Brown Tang
Purple Tang
Anthias Sp. x3
Midas Blenny
Pearly Jawfish
Blue Throat Triggerfish*
Threadfin Cardinal x3
Regal Tang
Naso Tang
Moorish Idol*
* These are only maybe's
Maybe some chalk bass or firefish
Fish in red i already have in my
Glider Sleeper Goby
Diadem Dottyback
Yellow Watchman Goby
Common Clownfish
B & W Commonn Clownfish
Chromis x2
Bicolour Dwarf Angel
Humbug Damsel
Cleaner Wrasse
Powder Brown Tang
Purple Tang
Anthias Sp. x3
Midas Blenny
Pearly Jawfish
Blue Throat Triggerfish*
Threadfin Cardinal x3
Regal Tang
Naso Tang
Moorish Idol*
* These are only maybe's
Maybe some chalk bass or firefish
Fish in red i already have in my