Starting a 233 Gallon


New member
I've decided to go with a 5ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft with v2 skimmer 800, fluval fx5 external filter and 5ft arcadia luminaire. I want to keep it as a FOWLR maybe the odd softie. But here is my proposed stocklist see any problems? :

Glider Sleeper Goby
Diadem Dottyback
Yellow Watchman Goby
Common Clownfish
B & W Commonn Clownfish
Chromis x2
Bicolour Dwarf Angel
Humbug Damsel
Cleaner Wrasse

Powder Brown Tang
Purple Tang
Anthias Sp. x3
Midas Blenny
Pearly Jawfish
Blue Throat Triggerfish*
Threadfin Cardinal x3
Regal Tang
Naso Tang
Moorish Idol*

* These are only maybe's

Maybe some chalk bass or firefish

Fish in red i already have in my
You could potentially have problems with the powder brown and the Naso. Theyre in the same something (class or genus, I dont know that much), and there are problems sometimes..... Though sometimes theyre totally fine. It just depends on the fish Id think.

**this isnt from experience, just from when I said I wanted a powder blue and a blonde naso, this is what I was informed


ok thanks m8 i'll read up on them but i think one comes from the genus acanthurus and the other naso so...

(mind my bodge spelling)
You may totally be right. Im not an expert at all, Im below beginner as far as a lot of stuff goes lol. Its just what I was told. I didnt bother reading up, I just listened, and didnt want any problems lol. But yeah, do your research, and if it turns out ok, go for em! I think theyre great looking fish.
if you wanted to try a Powder Brown, i would add him last. They can get pretty territorial. They also arent the hardiest of fish. I would qt also.
Ok i think i will

Ok i think i will

Ok i think i will scrap the idea of a powder brown. As im not that bothered. Instead could i get a small pair of blue triggers.

My mum really wants a purple tang and my bro really wants a naso and regal so i cant really say no. I have to keep everyone happy.
Theres nothing else to add, what more do you want? lol. Sounds nice, sounds cool. now give us an update or pics. Throw us a bone if you want some responses lol.
Thats 6 larger fish, and a bunch of smaller ones. Id stop there. ID scratch the moorish idol too, since they usually die anyhow.
just a little update the tank will be 5 x 2.5 x 2.5 ft and have a 36 x 15 x 18 sump

Stocklist changed a bit it goes as follows (opinions welcomed) :

Pearly Jawfish
Yellow Watchman Goby
3x Tuka Anthias (All female let themselves decide who's a male)
Longnose Hawkfish
Midas Blenny
Blue Throat Trigger
Starck's Damselfish
Zebra Dartfish
Achilles Tang ( Till it outgrows then i will pass it on)
Naso Tang ( Till it outgrows then i will pass it on)
2x Blue Green Reef Chromis
Humbug Damsel
Cleaner Wrasse
Regal Tang
Spotted Mandarin
Hector's Goby