My 187 Gallon Fish List- Please Help

Yeah, I might just go with about 2 inches of sand, and then put the rest in my refugium section of my sump.

What do you have in yours BeanMachine?


I've about 3" of caribsea special grade... a little coarser than the fiji pink. The fish seem just fine with it.
Have you looked into flasher wrasses? I got a blue flasher from vivid that's amazing. If you are planning to have SPS only and I think you with a long nose butterfly. How about an emperor, majestic or blue spotted angel? The emperor might get too big but they are one of my favs.
I've read a lot of horror stories about powder blues getting ick and dieing.
female resplendent anthias for a splash of bright pink and some yellow
black axil chromis (blue/green)
golden sailfin blenny (atrosalarius fuscus) from fiji (if you ever reconsider on the starry blenny), this one eats a lot of algae too
dont see them very often but a small but very pretty fish is the smalltail pencil wrasse from hawaii, harder to feed like leopard wrasses, need a large established copepod/amphipod population (small so might get eaten)
i like naso tangs (naso literatus) out of hawaii, mostly grey with some yellow, orange, blue and turn darker as they age, they also eat lots of dictyota (get huge)
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Have you looked into flasher wrasses? I got a blue flasher from vivid that's amazing. If you are planning to have SPS only and I think you with a long nose butterfly. How about an emperor, majestic or blue spotted angel? The emperor might get too big but they are one of my favs.
I've read a lot of horror stories about powder blues getting ick and dieing.

Haven't really looked at the flasher wrasses... kind of a newb when it comes to wrasses to be honest. Don't you usually have to get a group of them to get the male to display? Do their colors maintain in captivity? Definitely peaked my interest... good suggestion.

My tank will be SPS dominated, keeping some LPS (mainly acans and scolys) and what-not, so those Angels would probably be out... although I like the way you think (angels are awesome and my next upgrade may need to be more "angel friendly").

The Longnose shouldn't be ruled out though because I've kept these in the past with mixed reef set-ups, and they never touched a thing (except the small fan worms and the tubefeet of my starfish every now and then :))

As for the PBT, I do know the risk of ich, but I'm not too concerned with that... I'll be starting with new dry rock, new sand (being seeded from a source I know doesn't have ich) and all fish will be quarantined and treated for at least 1 month before being placed into the tank. I'll actually be using my old 60 gallon to quarantine any of the larger fish I get.

Thanks for the suggestions/comments!

Get a pair of rhomboids check out my thread I have a pair also the 2 prettiest wrasse in my opinion are the lineatus and hawaiin flame wrasse all three are rare and had to find especially lineatus females nobody has them except me And one other person that I know about. You can see them on my thread. Hope this helps and good luck post some pics of your tank please it sounds really cool.
female resplendent anthias for a splash of bright pink and some yellow
black axil chromis (blue/green)
golden sailfin blenny (atrosalarius fuscus) from fiji (if you ever reconsider on the starry blenny), this one eats a lot of algae too
dont see them very often but a small but very pretty fish is the smalltail pencil wrasse from hawaii, harder to feed like leopard wrasses, need a large established copepod/amphipod population (small so might get eaten)
i like naso tangs (naso literatus) out of hawaii, mostly grey with some yellow, orange, blue and turn darker as they age, they also eat lots of dictyota (get huge)

Great suggestions!

I'll keep looking at the anthias to see which one (if any of them) fit in to my set-up...

I have thought of chromis, but feel that their colors and generic appearance don't make them worth making the list :)

I already have the starry blenny (have had him for about 4 years now), but thanks for the suggestion there.

I'll definitely have to look at the pencil wrasse... sounds pretty cool.

I personally think that the naso will outgrow my tank (and I'm not sure when my next upgrade will be), so this one might be out, even though I'm with you and really like the look of these tangs.

Thanks for your suggestions!

Get a pair of rhomboids check out my thread I have a pair also the 2 prettiest wrasse in my opinion are the lineatus and hawaiin flame wrasse all three are rare and had to find especially lineatus females nobody has them except me And one other person that I know about. You can see them on my thread. Hope this helps and good luck post some pics of your tank please it sounds really cool.

Ha! I love those wrasses, but don't love their prices!!! Yikes! :spin2:

Tank is ordered and being made as we speak, so I'll definitely be tracking the build on RC.


Okay... I'm a wavering fool, and have a NEW updated list... bear with me if you can:

Definitely Getting or Already Have

I've picked this group based on reasons already stated and the new ones for the reasons that follow...

> Blue Chin Trigger
> Moorish Idol
> Longnose Butterflyfish
> Starry Blenny
> Yellow Wrasse
> Firefish Goby- although this could be out if everyone thinks it will inevitably perish in a tank of active fish like this- the only reason I have him on this list is because I already have him in my current tank.
> Flame Hawkfish- this guy has moved up since I know this would earn me points with the wife and I've always loved them... win-win. Plus, I get some red.
> Green Mandarin- this is the fish that attracted me to saltwater fish, so it would be tough to leave him off. Also, I'm not overfly concerned with the "pod-issue" since I'll have a refugium feeding the tank and won't be adding this guy 'til later.

Seriously Considering

Now, I'm starting to waver on the Bellus Angel (although the females are very pretty), I've always had a "fish crush" on the Regal Angel, this would be as good a time as any to get one. So with that being said, I've moved the Regal Angel and a few other back on the list (for now) as serious candidates.

> Regal Angelfish- my "other" fish crush (along with the Moorish Idol). Also, I don't really keep that many zoos, and if I do, I can easily place them in my frag tank if it becomes a problem.
> Harlequin Tuskfish- I've always loved these fish and don't care about shrimp and other crustaceans, so if you don't think size will be a problem, this guy might be moving up the list and would be the tri-fecta of fish crushes!
> Coral Beauty Angel- adds some much needed blue/purple to the tank, without adding the aggression and size of a tang (i.e. PBT or Purple Tang)
> Threadfin Anthias (Nemanthias carberryl)- I think a school of 7 would be a nice touch. It would add the dither fish as well as some pastels (pinks) to the mix. Also, does not get quite as large as the Lyretail mammoths! :) Open to feedback on this particular anthias if anyone has any.
> Sleeper Gold Head Goby- anyone have issues with these guys being too messy when sifting the sand???? If so, are there other sandsifting gobies that you would recommend?
> Radiant Wrasse- moving up the list along with the next fish
> Melanurus Wrasse- both of these are nice active swimmers that would be a cool addition to the mix above. My only concern would be for these guys to be too much competition for the Mandarin's food. Thoughts?

Might Be Considering

So this now includes fish that I'm still contemplating either adding to or taking the place potentially of fish above with the color blue not being overly represented in the tank (if at all):

> Powder Blue Tang- the prettiest blue fish I've seen, but I'm concerned with the other similarly shaped fish in the tank and any aggression that might occur.
> Bellus/Ornate Angel- only if I get persuaded again to leave the Regal Angel off unless both of these beauties would get along in the tank (haven't read anything on mixing these two and their temperament).
> Any other blue fish?
> Flame Angel- gets me more red, and I like the fish, but not needed
> Some other Wrasses (i.e., Leopard wrasses or other Halichoeres, but concerned about food competition with the Mandarin)
> Black Ocellaris Clowns- still deciding on whether to get an anemone. I love the look, but hate the headache of possibly coming home to see it took a "tour of the tank"... probably not.

I really do appreciate all of the input everyone has provided! Please keep it coming. I think I'm almost there! :beer:


If You are starting a SPS dominated 187G tank and you are considering growing unique and "expensive" SPS frags and LPS then I, personally" would seriously take into consideration the reef compatability and catchability of the fish I am adding. Is it worth risking $50-$100 frags on a $30 fish because its purple/blue or is it worth tearing my 187G tank apart because my regal is eating my acans or SPS. In other words, is the risk worth the possible reward or regret.
If you want angels and dont want risk then check into the Genicanthus species. There are others then the Bellus that are beautiful!! Check out Japanese Swallowtail Angel. You'll see. I wouldn't worry at all about pod population in a 190 with one mandarin deagonet and a couple wrasses. The wrasses will take other foods and if you get some flatworms or pests will probably help eradicate but hopefully you wont.
You sign off with fish are friends, not food. Add coral to that too :)
If You are starting a SPS dominated 187G tank and you are considering growing unique and "expensive" SPS frags and LPS then I, personally" would seriously take into consideration the reef compatability and catchability of the fish I am adding. Is it worth risking $50-$100 frags on a $30 fish because its purple/blue or is it worth tearing my 187G tank apart because my regal is eating my acans or SPS. In other words, is the risk worth the possible reward or regret.
If you want angels and dont want risk then check into the Genicanthus species. There are others then the Bellus that are beautiful!! Check out Japanese Swallowtail Angel. You'll see. I wouldn't worry at all about pod population in a 190 with one mandarin deagonet and a couple wrasses. The wrasses will take other foods and if you get some flatworms or pests will probably help eradicate but hopefully you wont.
You sign off with fish are friends, not food. Add coral to that too :)

Good advice dodgerblew... although the temptation is still there, so I'll be honest, it's still in the back of my mind, now I just need to get it out. :headwallblue:

The one issue is that there are quite a few success stories out there with the regal in a reef that are difficult to ignore. Plus, I do have a frag tank that I can easily move the picked on coral (I've heard the LPS are more likely to be the issue rather than SPS- and even if an SPS, then its just a pick every now and then seemingly out of curiosity). I'm slightly more of a fish lover than corals (very slight), so I still might take the plunge... decisions, decisions...

Thanks for your input,

Other than the Regal Angel being a potential coral threat, do you (or anyone for that matter) see the mixture of fish from the Definitely Getting and the Seriously Considering list that would pose a problem (i.e., space issues, compatability, etc.)?

If so, which and why?


your coral beauty is also a risk as is a flame angel and any butterfly other then the planktivore type are also cautionary reef fish. Good luck with your decisions.
Yeah. Pretty much any fish that isn't getting the right nutrition is a risk. But all I can go off of is experiences that I've had and others. I've personally had both a flame angel and a long nose butterfly with no incidences.

What about combatability with the other fish. Everything seem fine? Overcrowded or just fine?


I had a longnose butterfly and he ate LPS. If you want LPS then I wouldn't chance it. Anthias are beautiful but some beat on each other much like chromis. I had a male lyretail that was huge when I got him. He killed both females, three wrasses and a coral beauty. Near the end his fins where so long it looked like streamers. I put a full size purple tang in with him and he fought with him.
The coral beauty I had was ok with all coral.
Some of your fish list is tough with a reef tank. Triggers and tuskfish eat snails and CUC and might eat a small fish. Hawkfish can get mean. The moorish idol is hard to keep but I have never tried.
The others should be ok.
Flasher wrasse don't need a lady to flash. The boys flash eachother and when they feel threated. Heck they flash the royal gramma. If you get a mandarin let you tank mature atleast six months maybe seed by adding pods. I have an above tank fug and kept my last one for five to six years.
The fairy wrasses are cool too. Some get large and active. Some fairy wrasses need a lady to keep thier colors. But just like all wrasses thier colors look different with thier mood.
I had a longnose butterfly and he ate LPS. If you want LPS then I wouldn't chance it. Anthias are beautiful but some beat on each other much like chromis. I had a male lyretail that was huge when I got him. He killed both females, three wrasses and a coral beauty. Near the end his fins where so long it looked like streamers. I put a full size purple tang in with him and he fought with him.
The coral beauty I had was ok with all coral.
Some of your fish list is tough with a reef tank. Triggers and tuskfish eat snails and CUC and might eat a small fish. Hawkfish can get mean. The moorish idol is hard to keep but I have never tried.
The others should be ok.
Flasher wrasse don't need a lady to flash. The boys flash eachother and when they feel threated. Heck they flash the royal gramma. If you get a mandarin let you tank mature atleast six months maybe seed by adding pods. I have an above tank fug and kept my last one for five to six years.
The fairy wrasses are cool too. Some get large and active. Some fairy wrasses need a lady to keep thier colors. But just like all wrasses thier colors look different with thier mood.

Thanks for your input billyzbear...

I know some of the fish I've listed are "risks" with the reef, but I'm honestly willing to take that risk. And as far as the CUC goes, once they've served their purpose (which after my tanks are up and running for a while the CUC ends up dwindling down anyways), I'm not too concerned with fish picking them off.

I'll definitely have to look into the flasher wrasses though... never really considered them because I was under the false impression that they only flashed while in harems.

Thanks again,
