Starting a 300, anything I should know in advance?


Can't Stop Time
I am going to be upgrading my tank from a 110 to a 300, are there any helpful hints that I should know? This will be my first big tank and I would like to avoid any really big problems and hopefully most of the small ones.
2-take your time
4-Ask a lot of questions

That being said what type of tank do you want ?
fish only?
type of fish you want?
mixed reef?
Do you want powerheads?
closed loops?
What will you be doing to humidly?
auto topoff?
how many side viewable?

that should give you some food for thought.
The tank is a Lee-Mar glass tank, it will have a 125 gallon sump. The flow will be provided by my 2 Tunze 6100 and if needed I will add a couple more. The tank will be only SPS as I have a Regal angel that has decided to eat LPS and clams. It will have an auto topoff, 3 sides will be viewable and I am not going to worry about humidity as I live in arizona and any humidity I can get in my house is a plus, lol. Hope that helps some, any advice would be appreciated.
Is this going to be on a slab or wood foundation? If wood I would deffinetly brace that area. Im sure this is not what your looking for but just thought I'd bring it up. Good luck with the new tank.
Thanks salty3, that is in fact exactly what I am looking for. That could very likely be something that could be overlooked with very bad results, fortunately the tank will be on a slab foundation with tile flooring.
The more I think about it (and do it) the more I think this is the way to go.

1. Go out in your back yard.

2. Dig a hole 1 foot x 1 foot wide x 6 feet deep.

3. Every time you think about a big tank, go out and toss $100 in the hole.